It's all about consistency

One of the most common mistakes people make when they are new to running is overdoing it in the beginning. If you’ve never run long distances before, don’t try to tackle a 5-mile run on your first attempt. Your performance might discourage you, and you could end up giving up entirely. Running is all about consistency. Start small, win small. It doesn’t matter if your goal is to lose weight, get fit, or run a marathon—the key to success is setting achievable goals. If you’ve never run before, start with a mile. See how your body feels afterward. Some people might experience burning hamstrings, others might get shin splints, or you might feel just fine. It’s important to listen to your body. Stretching before and after a run will definitely help you recover faster and build up endurance. Start easy: run a mile every other day or three times a week. The goal in the beginning is to run more consistently, not long distances.
We are fortunate to have modern technology today. I’ve found that running is a great time to listen to podcasts, audiobooks, or even full concerts (the music lover in me talking here). It allows you to multitask. If you’re disciplined, set a rule that you can only listen to these things while running—it may help encourage you to run more. Smartwatches have also changed the game. The ability to track your run and monitor your heart rate is a game changer. These details are very helpful, and seeing how many calories you’ve burned is extremely satisfying—one of the best motivators to keep pushing forward. Posting your results on social media platforms like Strava is very rewarding and can set up fun challenges among your friends and family.
If you’re new to running or thinking about starting, I hope this helps you. The most important takeaway is to start small and be consistent. Results and improvements take time to appear. Even if you don’t notice immediate results, I’m sure you’ll start to feel more energetic throughout the day, more focused, more accomplished, and have a greater sense of self-confidence.